Pr. Mokhnache Leïla

PhD, Full Professor

المدرسة الوطنية العليا للطاقات المتجددة والبيئة والتنمية المستدامة

+213 (0) 560 43 47 76


Mokhnache Leïla  is a full Professor in electrical Eng. and Head of the National Higher school, for Renewable Energies, Environment & Sustainable Development (RE2= SD) opened in June 2020. She received her Magister and PhD from the “ Ecole Nationale Polytechnique” of Algiers in January 2004 on the application of neural networks in the diagnosis and ageing prediction of high voltage insulations. Her research work is in the fields of : diagnosis in power systems, maintenance, prediction, artificial intelligence applications, numerical methods applications , high voltage insulation, Electromagnetics….

She has participated in many international conferences and she has published more than 100 papers & publications. She is member in many technical & scientific boards in international journals and conferences and national & international research projects. And now she is leading a national project of a 1 MW renewable power plant in Batna with many applications ( smart grid, smart home, applications in agriculture, in traffic , water desalination, green campus, …). She co-organized two summer universities in Batna2 University with the AAF-CEST ( Algerian-American Foundation for culture, Education, science and technology). She participates in actions for healthy environment conditions.

[2009 – Now] Full Professor, تخصص الكتروتقني

[2004] PhD. Electrical Engineering

Laboratory of High Voltage, National Polytechnic School, Algiers

Thesis title: Application of neural networks in the diagnosis and prediction of high voltage insulation

[1997] Magister. Electrical Engineering

Institute of Electrical Engineering, University of Batna

Thesis title: Contribution to the study of the influence of barriers in point-to-plane air intervals by numerical computation of the field using the finite element method with and without space charge

[1992] B.ENG. Electrical Engineering

Institute of Electrical Engineering, University of Batna

Thesis title: Role of the damper winding in a synchronous machine

  • Basic physics
  • High voltage technique
  • Electromagnetic field theory
  • Electrical machines
  • Electronics
  • Dielectric materials
  • Numerical methods in electromagnetism: Finite elements + finite difference
  • Industrial maintenance
  • Diagnosis of electromechanical failures
  • Industrial reliability
  • Electrotechnical materials
  • Maintenance decision support tools
  • Artificial Intelligence