On Tuesday, January 24th , 2023, the first meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the RE2SD was held from 3 to 6 p.m. The primary goal of this meeting was to discuss and evaluate the progress of the School, the effectiveness of its strategic plans; its set goals and objectives and the extent to which they were realized. The board equally discussed ways to create possible links between the School on the one hand, and the economic world and major universities and research centers abroad, on the other. The discussion was very productive. All the Board’s members attended via the video-conferencing technology, except for Pr. Nawar THABET who was unable to attend due to compelling family circumstances. العلمي الاستشاري للمدرسة لمناقشة وتقييم برنامج تطوير المدرسة وإنجازاتها منذ تأسيسها.
و كذا لإيجاد السبل لربط المدرسة بالعالم الاقتصادي من خلال المؤسسات الصناعية وربطها أيضا بكبريات الجامعات ومراكز البحث بالخارج.
كان النقاش جد مثمر. حضر جميع الأعضاء عن طريق تقنية الفيديو عن بعد، باستثناء أ.د نوار ثابت لظروف عائلية قاهرة.
وانتهى الاجتماع في حدود الساعة السادسة.
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