We are honored to invite you to attend the opening ceremony of the first university year at the Higher National School of Renewable Energies, Environment and Sustainable Development. The ceremony has been scheduled on Tuesday 15 December 2020, at 09.30.


Ceremony Program:

Activity Time The presenter
An opening speech on the existing specializations and prospects 10.00 The school director, Prof. Laila Makhnach
The word of Mr. Wali of Batna 10.15 Mr. Wali of Batna
Recorded opening word of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research 10.30 Prof. Abdelbaki BENZIANE, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Solar Energy in Batna: A History and a Path 10.45 Prof. Chaaban Hammouda (founder of the first research unit in solar energy in Batna and Algeria
Energy Transition in Algeria (Recorded) 11.00 Prof. Chems Eddine Chitour, Minister of Energy Transition and Renewable Energies.
Horizons of artificial intelligence (Recorded) 11.15 Dr. Mourad Bouach, Director at Yahoo Foundation – United States of America

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